Building Sustainable Campus Community by Group KIS
When we started our project as KISs (Sustainable Campus Community),the first thing we did was to determine the values we worked for. We defined the values in five headings as honesty, self-sacrificing approach, empathy, respect and openness to change have gained more importance for us later in the course because we realized that the success […]
Improving the Social Relations Among KU Students by Group Eat & Meet
Our project is to solve the communication problem which exist for a long-term and create a table which can improve the social relations between Koç University students. Koç University seems as a social university, however there exist grouping due to the clubs and organizations in the school. This grouping cause prejudice on people and they […]
Lets make children’s voices heard! by Group Çocukların Sesi
As Cocuklarin Sesi our aim is to make children’s voices heard. If given opportunities we are aware that children are very open to development since they have high level of creativity and are constantly creating. If children are able to perform their full potential and become healthy, productive individuals we would be able to reach […]
Social Integration Project for International Students at KU by Group (SY)MPATHY
Our project aims to create an opportunity for any international student (non-Turkish speaker) to integrate them in our social life and academic life in our university. We want to take a first step to our project with a global kitchen with an Iftar Event. The Iftar is going to create opportunity for the students to […]