Education for Everyone: Herkes için Eğitim
This project aims to narrow the gaping inequality chasm that persists in education. As a solution to our problem, we created an Instagram page, named @herkesicinegitim, which encompasses basic knowledge ranging from art to basic science. Throughout the ideation stage, we developed three main objectives, namely, accessibility, creating an open source, and the need to […]
Köprü by Grup Gündoğarken
Migration is a phenomenon that has existed throughout human history, and consequences of migration have caused better or worse situations for people based on a lot of factors that cause migration and resulted by migration. While migration has been an enormous impact on people, we experience these impacts at first hand because of the geopolitical […]
Making Sustainability Sustainable: APPLANET
Today, more than ever we are living in a society built upon consumption and pollution. We wanted to change this pessimistic outlook to the future and make people adapt to sustainable lifestyles. We did research and we saw that people gain habits harder and harder when they have to go out of their comfort zones, and […]