Core Competencies
GLLS Foundational Literacies
Global Civics Literacy
Ability to recognize individual’s responsibility towards humanity and the knowledge of interconnected global challenges
Sustainability Literacy
The knowledge, skills and mindsets that help compel an individual to become deeply committed to building a sustainable future and allow him or her to make informed and effective decisions to this end.
Entrepreneurial Literacy
Ability to seek and recognize business opportunities and understand how a business is created and managed at a basic level.
ICT Literacy
Ability to use and create technology-based content, including finding and sharing information, answering questions, interacting with other people and computer programming
Innovation Skills
Creative Thinking
Ability to imagine and devise new, innovative ways of addressing problems, answering questions or expressing meaning through the application, synthesis or repurposing of knowledge
Critical Thinking
Ability to identify, analyse and evaluate situations, ideas and information to formulate responses and solutions
Effective Communication
Ability to listen to, understand, convey and contextualize information through verbal, nonverbal, visual and written means
Effective Collaboration
Ability to work in a team towards a common goal, including the ability to prevent and manage conflict
Personal Qualities
Ability to be aware of and understand one’s own thought processes
Cognitive Flexibility and Adaptability
Ability to adapt the cognitive processing strategies to face new and unexpected conditions in the environment and to hold ambiguity and paradoxes
Personal Power
Ability to use energy and drive to manifest wise actions in the world for the greater good
Ability to effectively direct, guide and inspire others to accomplish a common goal
Initiative and Self–direction
Ability and desire to take a proactive approach and showing persistence in overcoming obstacles that might arise
Persistence and Grit
Ability to sustain interest and perseverence of effort over a long period in order to accomplish a task or a goal
Social and Cultural Awareness
Ability to interact with other people in a socially, culturally and ethically appropriate way