Education for Everyone: Herkes için Eğitim

This project aims to narrow the gaping inequality chasm that persists in education. As a solution to our problem, we created an Instagram page, named @herkesicinegitim, which encompasses basic knowledge ranging from art to basic science. Throughout the ideation stage, we developed three main objectives, namely, accessibility, creating an open source, and the need to thrive through perpetuity.

In addition, during the project development phase, we discussed with Koc University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF) and in the light of their suggestions, we researched and examined what “Hayal Gücü Merkezi” has done. Throughout this observation, we understood that we need to use a friendly language and create colorful posts.

We view other social platforms that have similar contents as ours as our stakeholders since we all make some sort of contribution to the concept of open source. We are aware that we can both be useful and take advantage of these platforms by the genesis of a virtuous feedback cycle.

Since our main aim is to combat inequality that stem from several different factors, we believe that our project can create a radical social impact. We are certainly aware that our project was not a novel idea in the domain of enhancing equality in, but we devised a solid future plan for the 6 months and a 1 year ahead, assuming that everything would turn back to normal. We hope that our model would be beneficial for children to discover their interests and hidden talents through our workshop modeling. Moreover, in these unprecedented times, people acknowledged the importance of open sources, once again, and we aim to encourage adoption of open source platforms.


If you wish to learn more about our project, please visit the our Medium post!